Learn how to create a new dashboard from scratch, clone dashboards & widgets, and add new widgets to dashboards.
How to create a new dashboard from scratch
To create a new custom dashboard from scratch, go to + CREATE DASHBOARD on the left side of the CARMA Social platform.
Here you can choose the name of your new dashboard and decide whether it is public or private.
Public Dashboards: Visible to all project users.
Private Dashboards: Visible only to the individual user.
You can now begin to select widgets to visualize the dashboard's data.
You can explore over 150 widgets to customize your social dashboards. Easily find the widget you need by using the search bar or by selecting a social channel icon to discover widgets tailored to that specific channel.
Tool Tip: Press & Hold the shift key to select multiple widgets at once
Select + Add widgets once you are happy with your selection.
The widgets you add will appear in the selected Widgets menu. From here, You can edit or delete your selected widgets.
Select 'Save and Close' once you are happy with your selection.
Congratulations! Your dashboard will now appear in the navigation bar.
How to clone dashboards
To clone a dashboard, click on the Actions icon at the top right of the dashboard, and select Clone Dashboard. Choose a name and unique ID for the dashboard before clicking Submit.
Your dashboard has now been cloned and will appear in your private dashboards ready to edit.
How to add new widgets to your dashboard
Widgets can only be added or cloned to private or public custom dashboards
You can add new widgets from scratch or clone widgets from another active dashboard.
To add a new widget from scratch, click on the Actions icon at the top right of the dashboard, select Edit Dashboard, and then follow the aforementioned steps to add widgets from the How to Create a New Dashboard from Scratch guide.
To clone a widget from another dashboard, click on the Actions icon at the top right of a widget you wish to clone, select Copy To, and then select the destination dashboard to send the widget.