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Mastering Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can be a game-changer when efficiently managing sentiment and tags for articles on list and table views. In this guide, we will show you all the possibilities of our shortcuts so that you can unlock their full potential.

Start by enabling this feature in your project by following these 4 simple steps in the slides below.

To start using the shortcuts you must begin by selecting the articles. That can be done by manually ticking the boxes next to the articles or by selecting up to 9 articles via shortcuts.

  • It is possible to select/unselect up to 9 articles via shortcut keys. To do so, press the keys 1-9 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) to select the article in the respective position.
    - To select the first article, press 1.
    - To unselect the first article, press 1 once again.

Once the articles are selected, you may use the following shortcut keys.

To change sentiment press:

  • W - to change the sentiment to positive
  • E - to change the sentiment to neutral
  • R - to change the sentiment to negative

To manage tags press:

  • T - to open the tag modal
  • C - to apply the tag 'Checked'
  • D - to apply the tag 'Irrelevant'
  • S - to apply the tag 'Sent'

How to create the tags Checked, Irrelevant, and Sent:

  1. Select an article you wish to tag and press 't'
  2. Under the category Organizations, create a tag either named Checked, Irrelevant, or Sent
  3. Press 'Save'

You'll only need to do this once per tag. After saving it, you can start fully using shortcuts to tag your articles.